Sunday, October 26, 2008

Be known for your love.

As I sit here in the Library again, contemplating what to write in this box, I have to laugh at how easily I will write just about anything.  There have been some interesting developments in my life the last few weeks, but nothing is in any way certain. I will spare details for the sake of someone else. So, for what I was going to write, I am going to leave blank, because unless you really care, it makes no difference. 




Yesterday I played too much without taking time for breaks and appropriate stretching, resulting in a a very fatigued right forearm. Fortunately the pain is gone today, but I've not been able to play for fear of causing something more permanent or destructive. I am back into the habit of listening to Dream Theater again, and am now actually able to play the damn songs, which makes it 100x better and more fun. A couple hours of that yesterday did me in.

I went to church for the morning service today. A first in a very long time. A baptist church in hollywood, with less than 60 people in attendance. There was little that was reminiscent of the baptist churches I attended in WV. Even though this church is a member of a more conservative circuit of churches, they understand the value of loving people, sound doctrine, and worrying little about the rest. 

"Be known for your love." 

A sentence said quickly, but still resounds in my head and my heart today as the evening settles in. 

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