Wednesday, October 22, 2008


it is not merely survival that gets one through life. Survival is giving into mediocrity. Survival is a statement of the fear of death, but also the same fear aimed in the direction of ever doing something greater and better.

 Living in LA, especially downtown Hollywood, has been exceptionally difficult to adjust to. More times than I can count I've seriously thought about packing up and jetting back home. But then I think of all the people I've grown up with, who have not done much with their lives, nor aspire to. An employer who told me I would not be able to pay the bills playing music. I think of the life I would have settled into had I not chosen singleness. Unfulfilled and immature, closed minded and boredom would be my attributes on display. I never want to look in the mirror and see dreams smoldering, turning to cold ash, because I was afraid, I was unable. I have seen it many times before in others. Eyes heavy with the guilt of bad choice. Then I remember what it is that I am doing, and what I am after. 

I have to laugh at myself as I think of a past life that offered me almost nothing of intrinsic value, and yet I am running to a future as elusive smoke from a fire. 

You must learn to thrive on the journey toward your end goal. When your friends fall silent, communities disappear on horizons, when only foreign lights guide you along the streets at night, realize you and you alone make your decisions, the responsibility is yours. Influenced by anyone else, and you could be fooling yourself. Settling for a moment means possible failure. 

Dont for live your life in doubt, at least you will have tried. 

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